Comments from PA0CDR regarding PA0JMY Telecar 9 programming software and firmware.
The programming software as on his site is very easy to handle, it works fine on a Windows XP computer and even a Windows 7 machine . A 9-pole serial D-connector (COM1) is required.
A serial pc-TC9 interface by DC5WW is easy to build and works OK..
If the firmware ANL V1.02 is loaded into the firmware EPROM as well, there is an extra feature available for the free choise of CTCSS subaudio tones from the front keyboard on the TC9, either for the transmission or reception, variable per channel.
This is a one-time setting, and will be reset when changing the channel .
There are also some minor 'disadvantages' in the amateur use.
The software clearly is designed with the professional application of the set in mind.
This means some typical amateur features are not (direct) available from the front, such as squelch, frequency or RF-power settings.
Also the scan settings are based on communications within a socalled closed radio net where all the stations are equipped equally with subaudio and/or 5-tone sequences and the sets have their own identificationnumber for selective calls.
It is not yet possible to print the settings, this will be solved in a future version.
In the meantime the use of a screen capture programme in Windows XP, f.e. SnagIt , is recommended.
Windows 7 has a built in screen capture possibility.
If desired a default CTCSS tone can be programmed for all channels send and receive, however I did not succeed in storing a default CTCSS tone on page D of the programme, because for an unknown reason the value resets when changing the programming pages in Windows.
The workaround is programming the TC9 while this page is present and visible on the computer monitor, then the set default tone is correctly stored in the TC9 or in the programming file.
There is a scan mode available for the TC9.
In the past with only the Gerätepass present, I never found out how it worked, but in the JMY programme it is easy.
- In the last chapter, Frequency settings, at the Search column there must be noted a character F and in the Version column a 1
- Tab 1 , Pages, 'Anrufsuche' must be activated. LSP must be activated.
- Activate scanning by pressing the Channel button for 3 seconds. A square icon will appear in the display if scanning is active.
Note: do not add F1 to channels that have no frequency information added, otherwise the Error 6 (= no frequency information) occurs during scanning a channel.
The scan however will stop and passes on audio to the loudspeaker only if the counter station transmits a compliant subaudio tone, a single audio-tone or a 5-tone sequence.
This is different from amateur use where a scan stops at any modulated or unmodulated carrier from a counter station and is fully audible when this carrier is detected.
So, scan here means a 'selective scan' only, not just/only carrier detection. The set will remain silent if 'just a carrier' is detected.
This is a typical professional setup and comfortable where the TC 9 is used on multi-user frequencies and the set wil react on selective calling.
If communications other than the 'own stations' is present, they will be indicated by the receive-LED, but are simply not audible.
There is a password reader in the programme, for cases where the programming password is unknown.
When sliding over a field with the mouse, there are useful pop-up screens with information.
There is storage and loading of the program data possible by loading and storing the setting content into a file on the pc,
and the other way around: an altered content file can be stored in the TC9 by pressing a button. It works very easy.
I can recommend this software by PAoJMY, it is very user friendly.
In another message, still from PA0CDR
In short:
The programming software as on his site is very easy to handle, on an XP computer and even a Windows 7 machine. A free license is required, as you know.
I use the serial interface by DC 5 WW
If the JMY firmware is loaded as well, there is an extra feature of a free choise of CTCSS subaudio tones from the front keyboard in the TC9, either for the transmission or reception, variable per channel.
There are also some minor disadvantages.
It is not possible to print the settings. Therefore I use a small screen capture programme in XP, SnagIt, Windows 7 has a built in screen capture possibility.
If desired a default CTCSS tone can be programmed for all channels, however I did not succeed in storing a default CTCSS tone on page D, because for an unknown reason the value resets when changing the programming pages. The workaround is programming the TC9 while this page is visible on the computer monitor, then the default tone is stored in the TC9.
There is (and obviously always was ) a scan mode available for the TC9.
In the past with only the Gerätepass present, I never found out how it worked, but in the JMY programme it is easy.
- In the last chapter, at the Search column there must be noted a character F and in the Version column a 1
- Tab 1 , Pages, Anrufsuche must be activated.
- Activate scanning by pressing the Channel button for 3 seconds. An square icon will appear in the display if scanning is active.
Note: Do not add F1 in channels that have no frequency added, otherwise the Error 6 occurs during scanning a channel. (= no frequency information)
There is a password reader in the programme, for cases where the programming password is unknown.
When sliding over a field with the mouse, there are important pop-up screens with information.
There is an off-line storage and recovery of the program data possible.